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Coming soon


Dance occupies the space


Stand up

For a resuscitation of culture, Alexei Issacovitch, dance teacher organizes a regular dance training (ERD), at the occupied cinema of Die.

During 2 hours, under the initiative of Lucie, activists took turns in the streets of Die for an artistic performance and stand up in this period of health crisis. 

"To stand up,

Stand, stand, stand

Get back on your feet,

Stand up."


Artistic performances in Die supermarkets

On Friday, March 26, the Diois artists who have been banned from performing since the beginning of the COVID crisis, will be looking for their audience at the essential products shelves, within their local supermarkets.


Symbolic move from the Theater Les Aires to the Cinema Le Pestel

Due to an artistic residency, the Diois occupiers and activists symbolically move the occupation from the Les Aires theater to the Le Pestel cinema.


Strike of the AED of the school of Diois

The supervisors of the school of Diois gathered, this 24th of March at 14H, in front of their workplace, to denounce the precariousness of their profession. 


RDWA and Hip-Hop residency


Flash Mob


First night of occupation

The radio RDWA organized (in the night of 20 to 21 March, between 10 pm and 2 am), a live hip-hop exclusively radio, in the walls of the theater of die, occupied for three days.

This morning on the market of Die, at 11:00 am, more than one hundred people (of all ages) answered the call of Diois militants to participate in a real cultural hold-up. (...)

A dozen occupants spent their first night at the Aires Theater and prepared the banners for the occupation of the Theater.



After having (re)taken their theater, the Diois meet at 2pm for their first GA and discuss the logistics of their movement. 
Eager to go beyond a cultural movement, they debate on the idea of an ALL and try to find (together) the point of convergence of all the struggles. 


The taking of the Theater Les Aires

After the procession march, the Diois activists invest the theater Les Aires, this March 17. They add their theater to the list of cultural places occupied in France since March 4th. 



One year after the first confinement and the closing of theaters and cinemas, on March 17, 2021, the Diois intermittents (but not only...) walked in the streets to remind how much the Culture (and not only) is essential.


© 2021 by 13OQP

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