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Theater is an organic product and essential for health


Culture (and not only), it moves!


Strike of the educational assistants

The circus artists and other Diois talents went to meet their public, in a supermarket!  It is (well) in the organic department that the residents had the pleasure and the surprise to find them, this Friday, March 26, for short spontaneous performances.

This March 24, the occupants of the theater Les Aires and activists moved to the cinema Le Pestel, for residence.

The supervisors of the school of Diois gathered, this afternoon at 14H, in front of their workplace, to denounce the precariousness of their profession.


Live Hip-Hop

The radio RDWA organized (in the night of March 20 to 21, between 10 pm and 2 am), a live hip-hop exclusively radiophonic, in the walls of the theater of die, occupied for three days.


Bombshell at the market

Since March 17, 2021, the workers of Die (but not only...) have taken over the theater and the cinema of Die, to denounce the collateral damage of the health crisis. Precariousness, unemployment, the housing crisis, the hospital, the national education, the culture, etc. are pointed out. General assemblies are held daily at 10 am, in the city's theater to debate and organize actions around the convergence of struggles.


Die, let's occupy the Theater !

Since March 08, 2021, many cultural places are peacefully occupied by intermittent workers, to demand the review of their status and the reopening of cultural places, closed for a year because of the health crisis of COVID-19. The theater of Die does not escape the rule and came, this Wednesday, March 17, to complete the list of the fifty theaters (already) occupied on the whole national territory.



Program of the week of the occupation of the theater and the cinema of Die

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The word of the AED

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Occupation of cultural places: Die joins the movement

"The occupation of the theater has been relocated to the cinema of Die because of a residency at the theater.
Every morning at 10am, a popular assembly is organized and open to all, workshops and discussions take place, people sleep on site, signs and banners are prepared, other worlds are imagined, debated, you are welcome! (Source : sMarch 27,  2021, by Occupation théâtre et cinéma de Die.)


In Die, the pawns rebel and denounce their precarious status

"What an effervescence in Die, in the Drôme! We continue to fight for the train station, the hospital, the arable land, and now the theater and the cinema are occupied and the AEDs are on strike. The educational assistants of the secondary school have produced texts and drawings to express their demands, their daily life and their love of their job. This one particularly touched me." (Source :  March 26, 2021, BY C MOREL DARLEUX, BLOG : WWW.REVOIRLESLUCIOLES.ORG)

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For Die...

"The "reopen culture" movement, which began in early March at the Théâtre de l'Odéon in Paris and which has since spread to other major cities, is also making waves in rural areas. In Die, the world of culture is also concerned. For a week now, the Theatre of Die, then the cinema, have been occupied."(Source : March 26, 2021, by the JDD


Die : the theater occupied by workers

"After the movement initiated by the collective of the AED of Bouches-du-Rhône last December, followed by a ..."

(Source : Dauphiné Libéré

March 23,  2021 at 17:45)

"The Theatre of Die is occupied since today, Wednesday 17/03:
Today, Wednesday March 17, 2021, after a procession in the streets of Die in the late morning, a hundred people met at the Theatre of Die to occupy it. (...)" (Source : CGT Drôme 

 March 19, 2021 Coordination Drôme Ardèche des Intermittent.e.s et Précaires - Facebook CODA)

 (Source : Le Dauphiné Libéré march 18,s 2021 à 06:05 | Udapted 16:59)



Press release from the occupied Die theater

Capture d’écran 2021-03-28 à 01.18.18.

Press release from the occupants of the Die theater

" The occupation of the theater of Die continues, gets organized." (Source : March 19, 2021, by Auteurs divers.)

Next AG Thursday, March 18 at 10am at the theater of Die" (Source : March 17, 2021)

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